Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1st

I am taking a computer literacy course at ASU and as part of my assignment I have been asked to start a blog. The Fall semester started last Monday, and I am already wondering how I'll be able to get through this term. Being a student while I'm expecting is certainly taxing, but I am hoping that the next six weeks will go fast and then the baby will be here. We have decided (I think) to name him Jasper. As for a middle name, that is still to be decided. Malachite is the current contender, but it will probably change, as name ideas come and go often for us. Faber's favorite game is "what should we name the baby." He asks me several times a day and submits his own choices, which are usually things like lightbulb or fan. Ezra wants the baby to have a name from a Thomas the Tank Engine character. Monty is his current favorite. I hate it! I guess we'll just have to keep looking and keep our fingers crossed that we find something everyone is happy with. Look for updates in the near future.

The rest of my classes are going well. I am working hard, but enjoying the courses as well. In addition to the computer class, I am taking 3-Dimensional Design, American Art, and French. Since I have never taken a foreign language course before, I am finding the French somewhat difficult, but with practice I hope to do well. Wish me luck!!!